The following Rules and Regulations have been adopted uniformly by all of the Association Boards of Directors of Friendly Valley. They shall be deemed to vest the appropriate Boards of Directors with the authority to bring all necessary proceedings in law, equity or otherwise to enforce the general and specific intent of these Rules and Regulations.
Each Unit Owner (or occupant) shall be governed by and shall comply with the terms of the Condominium documents [the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and the Bylaws] and the Rules and Regulations adopted pursuant thereto. In the event of any inconsistency between these Rules and Regulations and the Declaration, the Declaration shall control.
Rules, regulations and information pertaining to recreational facilities are set forth in the Friendly Valley Directory.
Rules and Regulations specific to your Association, if any, follow these community-wide rules. Language which is not applicable to your Association (such as ‘carports’, ‘garages’ ‘laundry rooms’, etc.), may be disregarded.
SENIOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT DEFINITION AND POLICY This Senior Citizen community refers to California Civil Code Section 51.3 for all definitions and restrictions. One person in residence must be a senior citizen 55 years of age or older. Other residents may include the spouse or cohabitant or a person who resides with and provides primary physical or economic support to the senior citizen. Except for children or grandchildren of the senior citizen, or the spouse or cohabitant, or a person who resides with and provides primary physical or economic support to the senior citizen, every other resident must be at least 45 years of age and must reside with the senior citizen. Children or grandchildren of the senior citizen or other resident who have a disabling injury or illness who needs to live with the senior citizen or other resident due to the disabling condition, injury or illness may reside in the Unit until the disabling condition ends, or up to one year after the condition ends, as allowed by the Board. Other residents may include a Permitted Health Care Resident as more specifically addressed in Civil Code section 51.3 and the Age, Owner and Occupant Restrictions. Temporary residence as a guest of a senior citizen by a person less than 45 years of age is permitted only for a maximum period of 90 days in a 12-month period. [Adopted 9/4/19]
PETS (1) No pets are allowed in the recreational areas operated and maintained by the Friendly Valley Recreational Association with the exception of seeing-eye dogs. (2) When taken off the owner's premises, pets must be kept on a leash of no more than six feet in length. (3) When taken off the owner's premises, pets being walked on Common Areas should be kept as far as possible from the condos. (4) All pet droppings must be picked up immediately by the pet owner. They are not to be buried. (5) Each pet owner must carry a visible means of picking up droppings. Anyone walking a dog after dark should carry a flashlight to aid in picking up droppings. (6) Dogs should be prevented from urinating on anyone's lawn or shrubs. (7) Prolonged barking of a dog will not be permitted. (8) Each Association shall determine the size, type, and number of pets allowable per household. (9) A confirmed complaint of harassment by another resident, made by a pet owner that obeys the rules, shall be dealt with in the same manner as those relating to pet offenders. (See PENALTIES) (Refer to the CC&Rs for additional regulations regarding pets.) [Revised 11/20/02, 12/19/07, 2/2/22]
SIGNS Common Area: No signs shall be placed in any common area or on the outside of any building, except for a neat name and/or a house number.
Residences: Real Estate: “House for Sale” signs are limited to one sign per household. The single sign may be placed on the interior surface of one front window, a second story balcony for two story homes, or on the outside of a front door or screen, if the home does not have a front window. If the entrance to the home is not visible from the street, then the sign may be placed upon a front gate. The size of the single sign is not to exceed 19” by 24”. A “For Sale” or “For Lease” sign must be removed within five days after the sale, close of Escrow, or lease has been signed.
Vehicle: A vehicle that has a valid Friendly Valley window decal may display a “For Sale” sign, or a “For Lease” sign, no larger than 12” x 12”. The “Sale” or “For Lease” sign must be removed within five days after the vehicle is sold or leased.
Non-Commercial: Political: Non-Commercial Political signs such as a single flag, banner or poster made of paper, cardboard, cloth, plastic, or fabric that are more than nine square feet are prohibited, except for flags which may not exceed 15 square feet. Tenants are limited to displaying political signs no larger than six square feet.
Prohibited Material: Signs may not be composed of lights, roofing, siding, paving materials, flora, balloons, or any other similar building, landscaping, or decorative component, or include the painting of architectural surfaces.
Prohibited Signage: Commercial signs may not be displayed. Signs containing obscenity or fighting words are also prohibited.
Display Time: Signs can be displayed no sooner than 90 days prior to a political event and must be removed within 15 days after the political event. The American Flag may be displayed continuously but must be no larger than 15 square feet.
Commercial Business Signs: Commercial advertising signs are prohibited in Friendly Valley.
[Revised 11/18/98, 12/2/20]
VEHICLE REGISTRATION All resident vehicles (including golf carts) shall be registered with the Security Office. A Friendly Valley decal shall be displayed on the windshield of each registered vehicle in the lower corner of the driver’s side. For any change of vehicle, a Temporary Permit must be obtained at the Security Office. A resident temporary permit will be issued by the Friendly Valley Security Office for new and rental vehicles. In order to be issued a new Friendly Valley window decal, all vehicles must have a current DMV Registration slip and the registered owner must present a valid driver’s license and valid insurance. Decals will only be issued to residents. All cars must have a current DMV sticker affixed to the rear license plate and all vehicles must be in operable condition. If these conditions are not met, Security will ticket the vehicle. [Revised 1/21/09, 11/18/09, 11/4/20, 2/2/22]
PARKING Visitors vehicles that will be parked overnight in the community more than two consecutive nights shall obtain a Guest Parking Permit from the Security Office. The Permit shall be hung from the rearview mirror for the duration of the visit and shall be returned to Security prior to leaving the community. [Revised 6/20/01, 1/16/13, 4/4/18, 2/2/22]
Except in the case of residents moving into or out of a Unit, no commercial vehicle whaving a load bearing capacity in excess of a three-quarter (3/4) ton shall be parked on a Friendly Valley street overnight. A truck (with a shell or an addition installed that is in excess of the height and/or width of its originally designed cab) or a recreational vehicle (travel trailer, motor home, boat trailer, or camper) shall not be allowed to park on a street for more than two consecutive nights and at no time shall said vehicle create a hazard or obstruct access to and from carports, garages, or side streets. This limitation is for the sole purpose of loading and unloading the vehicle in preparation for its use or its storage in the proper location. (Revised 2/2/22)
Parking is not permitted at red curbs under any circumstances. Fifteen-minute parking is permitted at green curbs. After 6:00 pm, the green curb area in the Rotunda is to be used for handicapped parking only. Overnight parking is not permitted in the Auditorium/Golf Course lot, Annex lot, or Lawn Bowls lot. The Boards of Directors reserve the right to tow any vehicle in violation of parking regulations. [Revised 11/21/01, 2/2/22]
Vehicles parked in private driveways must have all four wheels on the driveway, with the body of the vehicle extending over a sidewalk or curb line no more than 10 inches. [Adopted 2/7/18] Exception: RV’s are allowed to park across a driveway for a maximum of two consecutive nights solely for the purpose of loading and unloading. [Revised 3/7/18, 2/2/22]
TRAFFIC RULES The traffic rules and regulations applicable on public roads or streets in the State of California and the County of Los Angeles shall apply on all of the streets and roads of Friendly Valley. (Except the Rotunda driveway, where the parking time limit will be enforced, including handicapped parking.)
Vehicles are prohibited from driving on walkways, picnic areas, pool areas or any area designated primarily for pedestrian use. The exception to this rule shall be vehicles designed specifically for the disabled, e.g., 3-wheel electric vehicles or vehicles being used for authorized repair work.
SPEED LIMIT Speed of vehicles shall be within cautious and reasonable limits, but in no instance shall exceed 25 miles per hour. Lesser speed limits must be observed where posted, e.g., on Friendly Valley Parkway.
VEHICLE VIOLATION AND ENFORCEMENT A vehicle shall be defined as any motorized vehicle, golf cart, or bicycle. A Security Officer shall issue a written citation for the following violations, which include but are not limited to: (1) failure to stop at designated stop signs, (2) failure to obey posted speed limits, (3) parking in "no parking" areas, (4) failure to observe the overnight parking prohibition on commercial vehicles exceeding 3/4 ton load bearing capacity, except as noted, (5) failure to observe the two consecutive nights parking limit for loading and unloading recreational vehicles, (6) parking a vehicle facing the wrong way on a two-way street, (7) driving an unapproved vehicle in any pedestrian area, (8) resident using the visitor entrance at the main gate, with the exception of handicapped permitted residents (resident Recreational vehicle are allowed to use the visitor gate.) (This last bold part was adopted by the Community Council 6/20/07) (9) failure to observe the 4-hour parking zones in the carport areas as posted, (10) parking a non-resident vehicle in the community for more than two consecutive nights without a Guest Parking Permit displayed on the rearview mirror, (11) no decal displayed on a Friendly Valley registered vehicle, (12) parking overtime in a green 15-minute zone, (13) parking overnight in the Auditorium/Golf Course lot, Annex lot, or Lawn Bowls lot, (14) using a gate card to allow another vehicle to enter the Friendly Valley Parkway, Whispering Leaves, or Anzel Circle gates, (15) parking of unauthorized vehicles in carports. It is the responsibility of owners or occupants of units to see that visiting guests adhere to parking restrictions, traffic rules, and speed limits. Citations issued to guest vehicles will be charged to the Friendly Valley residents being visited. (See PENALTIES) [Revised 10/8/97, 6/20/01, 11/21/01, 11/20/02, 9/17/03, 6/20/07, 11/4/20, 2/2/22]
GUEST Adult guest (18 or older) walking in the community without a resident member must have a Visitor’s Badge that is worn in plain sight. Visitor's Badges are issued (for a $10 deposit) by the Security Office for a period of 30 days. Visitors in recreational areas must be accompanied by a resident member. [4/16/08] (2) No bicycle riding or skateboarding by children (under the age of 18). Adult visitors (18 and older) may ride if accompanied by a resident. This is currently in the Directors Agreement. (3) Any citation issued to a guest vehicle will be charged to the Friendly Valley resident being visited. (4) Guests may not leave any vehicles, including motorcycles, in Friendly Valley and leave for a vacation or a trip unless the resident is going with them. (5) Residents are responsible for the conduct of their guest while at the recreational facilities and in all areas of the community. (6) Guests staying for extended visits may remain for a maximum of 90 days in a 12-month period. (7) Guest Parking Permits are required when vehicle is to be in the community for two consecutive nights and are issued by the Security Office. [Revised 4/16/08, 5/21/08, 2/2/22]
A. Caregivers below the age of a qualified permanent resident, as defined by California Civil Code Section 51.3, shall not be given Associate Membership but instead display a Caregiver placard for identification. Registration requirements still apply and such Caregivers may use the Friendly Valley recreational facilities as a guest, as outlined in the General Polices of Operations and Management. This will apply to both future and current Caregivers.
B. Associate Members who are Caregivers should not be given the privileges of using the Friendly Valley facilities except as a guest. [Revised 6/20/07]
BADGES (1) All friendly Valley residents are required to obtain membership badges and to wear them in plain sight when in the recreational areas including the offices and while out walking in the community. (2) Under no circumstances shall a member loan a membership badge to anyone to use the facilities. (3) Renters and Associate Members shall pay fifteen dollars ($15) for each badge. (4) All badges must be returned to the Office upon transfer of title or at the end of tenancy. (Revised 2/2/22)
GATE CARDS All residents are entitled to receive up to two (2) gate card(s) issued in their name, whether or not they own an automobile. The gate card(s) are only for the use of that registered resident, to be used for gate access at any Friendly Valley gated entrance, including the Whispering Leaves and Anzel Circle gates. The resident must be in the vehicle whenever the card is used, either as the driver or as a passenger. The resident’s card(s) cannot be given to any non-resident for use unless the card owner is present in the vehicle when it is used. Only vehicles with a current Friendly Valley decal on the windshield may use the resident gates or park in a carport.
Residents driving a new, borrowed or rented vehicle must enter through the Visitor’s Gate. Contact Security to obtain a Resident Temporary Parking Permit.
Severe, and costly, penalties apply for misuse of the gate card(s). Misuse can include, but is not limited to:
Allowing a caregiver or relative to use the gate card without the resident actually in the vehicle with them.
Using your personal gate card to allow another vehicle or person to enter FV through a gate.
All card(s) issued to a resident remain the responsibility of that resident until there is a change in unit ownership. At that time all card(s) associated with the unit are to be returned and initial deposit(s) will be refunded. [Revised 4/21/04, 6/16/04, 12/2/20, 2/2/22]
USE OF GARAGES AND CARPORTS Garages and carports shall be used for the parking of automobiles belonging to the owners or occupants of units. Vehicles shall be kept in garages and carports when not in use. Two-car families having only a one-car garage or carport, may park one car on the street and then only in locations that will afford unobstructed access to and from garage and driveways of others. The doors of any garages facing the street shall be kept closed at all times when unattended. Carports and garages may be rented out only to other residents of Friendly Valley. Only resident vehicles with a decal displayed are permitted to park in carports. Exception: Guests of residents who own two carport slots and is only using one carport can let a guest park in the other carport slot, provided a Parking Permit is obtained in advance from Security and is displayed on the rearview mirror of the guest vehicle. [Revised 6/20/01, 11/21/01, 11/20/02, 9/17/03, 2/2/22]
GARAGE / ESTATE SALES Public sales of new or used personal property, typically called ‘garage sales’, may not be conducted from residences or from the common area within Friendly Valley. Residents of Friendly Valley may conduct an Estate Sale for the purpose of selling items which are no longer needed because of a move out of Friendly Valley. Qualifying moves include death, being in escrow for a move to a new location outside of FV, imminent relocation to an assisted living or nursing home, etc. Moving to another unit within FV does not qualify as a move out of Friendly Valley. Those wishing to conduct an Estate Sale must obtain a copy of the detailed Estate Sale Procedure and Permit Form from the Security Office. [Revised 11/21/01, 7/3/19]
ADVERTISING AND/OR SOLICITING There shall be no outside advertising of organization-sponsored events occurring within Friendly Valley, e.g., Little Theatre performances. Conversely, outside organizations and businesses may not distribute or post promotional material within the community. No business or commercial enterprise may be conducted from a private residence or carport area. Residents who wish to place an advertisement, should list their home telephone number but not their home street address. This allows for some prescreening of visitors. No solicitation of any kind may be conducted in Friendly Valley. [Revised 11/21/01]
UNITS FOR SALE Open houses are not permitted. Owners who place their condominiums on the market for sale shall inform their realtors that units will be shown by appointment only. Prospective buyers must be accompanied by a realtor to view a unit for sale. Arrangements should be made for realtors and clients to meet outside of Friendly Valley and enter together. If this is not possible and buyers arrive before their realtor, Security will direct them to park and wait for the realtor to appear and escort them. No prospective buyers will be allowed to drive through the community unaccompanied. [11/20/02]
PENALTIES APPLICABLE TO VIOLATIONS The following community-wide penalties shall be enforced. Collection of fines is the responsibility of the Community Council. All monies are payable to the Friendly Valley Recreational Association. [Adopted 2000/2001]
a. First infraction: a warning citation shall be issued. Except for moving violation, which is $25 for the first violation. [Adopted 4/16/08]
b. Second citation/infraction within a twelve-month period: a $25 fine shall be charged. [Revised 3/18/98, 9//17/03] Except for a second moving violation, this is $50. [This conforms to existing rule adopted 4/16/08]
c. Third citation with a twelve (12) month period, a choice of paying a $50 fine or attending a hearing. If there is a failure to pay the fine, the Community Council shall convene a hearing to handle the matter. [Revised 6/16/04] Exception: a third moving violation is automatic $100 fine [Adopted 4/16/08]
d. Four or more citation within a 12-month period requires a hearing.
e. Misuse of a gate card will result in an automatic $100.00 fine [Revised 11/4/20]
f. If a fine is not paid by the due date stipulated in the fine letter, the gate card shall be deprogrammed.
SECURITY Security will create a monthly report which will be delivered with the Villager. [Added 2/17/09] Before there can be any changes in the function and operation of Security, the Recreational Boards Community Council Representative must bring the proposed change to the Community Council for discussion and approval by a vote of the Council Delegates. [Adopted 7/15/09]
HEARINGS The Business Office maintains a roster of Hearing Board delegates and alternates - two Directors from each Association as designated by the Association Boards. When a hearing is requested or required, the Community Council appoints three persons from the roster to serve as the Hearing Board. Selected members may not be from the same Association as the defendant and Hearing Board members must be from three different Associations. One member of the Hearing Board will act as Chairperson. The Hearing Board shall select a date and time for the hearing, allowing sufficient time to provide the defendant with a 15-day prior notice of the hearing. The Office shall reserve a room for the hearing and prepare all documentation.
Procedure 1.If any owner or tenant is found to have violated the provisions of these Rules & Regulations, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs), or the By-Laws of the Association, a hearing may be convened on the matter.
In the event that an Association Board of Directors is believed to be in violation of its CC&Rs, By-Laws, or Rules & Regulations an individual Association member or group of members may request a hearing provided that repeated documented requests to the Board have failed to produce compliance. A letter from the individual(s) must be addressed to the Community Council Chairperson to request a hearing.
If there exists a long-term and continuing problem that a Board of Directors has been unable to resolve, a hearing may be convened to settle the matter.
2. When a hearing is requested or required, the following documents must be prepared:
a. A letter to the defendant informing him/her: the date, time, and location of the scheduled hearing; the charges or problem to be resolved; the defendant’s right to present evidence on his/her own behalf and to be accompanied by a friend, if desired. No other persons may accompany him/her unless prior permission is obtained from the Community Council Chairperson. This Notice of Hearing will be delivered by Friendly Valley Security to the defendant at least 15 days prior to the scheduled hearing between the business hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm including weekends. [Revised 10/20/10]
b. A complete information packet for each Hearing Board member shall include the Notice of Hearing, all pertinent documentation, and general instructions for the Hearing Board.
c. If applicable, Directors of the Association Board involved shall be requested to attend the hearing. Certain other persons considered pertinent to the case may also be requested to attend. Each person asked to be present at a hearing shall be issued a Notice of Hearing. The notices to Directors shall be placed in the Association boxes in the Business Office and notices to others requested to attend shall be sent by first-class mail. All parties shall be notified of any postponements, delays, or changes of venue.
3. The hearing shall be conducted in a quasi-judicial manner and a tape recording will be made of the proceedings. The defendant is required to sign a statement agreeing to abide by the decision of the Hearing Board.
4. The Hearing Board must arrive at a decision regarding consequences or penalty or must present a solution to the problem presented. The Hearing Board must submit to the Office a written decision signed by all members of the Hearing Board. Copies of the decision shall be issued to all parties involved and the defendant’s copy must be sent by certified mail. [Revised 10/18/00, 11/20/02]
The Friendly Valley Security Department as well as the Recreational Association strives to provide deterrence to crime. However, no matter what steps are taken our community can never be completely safe and secure. It is possible that when someone has clearance to enter the property they may commit crimes. Residents may commit crimes against their own neighbors or guests of residents and even employees may commit crimes. As a result, our community is not and can never be free of crime and we cannot guarantee your safety or security. You should not rely on the Recreational Association, your own Association, or on Security to protect you from loss or harm. Instead, you should provide for your own security by taking common sense precautions such as carrying insurance against loss, keeping your doors locked, refusing to open your door to strangers, asking workmen for identification, locking your car, and not leaving valuables in plain view in your vehicles. We, as Friendly Valley residents, should look out for other residents. If we see something or someone suspicious, we should first call 911 and then Security. Nothing is fool proof but if we all work together we may be a safer community to live in. (Revised 2/2/22)
The Council consists of representatives of the Boards of Directors of the thirteen Friendly Village Associations plus the Recreational Association. Each Association has one vote. The objectives of the Council are to initiate projects and proposals for the benefit and betterment of Friendly Valley in its entirety and for the Village Assns. and the Recreational Assn. and to consider suggestions and proposals from any and all Boards of Directors through their representatives. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are elected by the Council. The Insurance Committee and the Election Committee Chairperson are appointed by and report to the Council. Ad hoc committees may be assigned by Council officers as needed. The Community Council is responsible for and has sole authority to make and amend the community-wide Rules and Regulations. Hearings are conducted under jurisdiction of the Council and Hearing Board members are appointed by authority of the Council.