1. Click ‘Contact’ 2. Click ‘Associations’ 3. Click ‘Assn ___’ (choose your association) 4. Scroll down till you see ‘Contact the Board’ 5. Complete the form and click ‘Submit’
How to Stay Informed:
Read the Villager, Friendly Valley’s bimonthly newsletter
Ask to join the Friendly Valley Recreational Association, Inc. News on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/970290867072260
Attend your Association Board Meetings (dates listed in the Villager)
Rec Board Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month
The Business Office is the center of most things that are done in Friendly Valley. A variety of services are performed (see Office Overview).
The Security Office (located near the Business Office) hours are Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. The Guardhouse at the Friendly Valley Parkway entrance gate is manned 24 hours a day (see Security Overview).
If you are looking for something to do, there are approximately 40 Clubs and Groups that you may join, Bingo every Wednesday.
There are thirteen individual Home Owner Associations in Friendly Valley ach having a Board of Directors (President, VP, Secretary, etc.) that each address their own issues, a Community Council is comprised of a Representative from each Association whose task it is to address community wide issues.
Trash is picked up every Wednesday by Burrtec. Spectrum Cable provides each home with an Internet connection and two digital control boxes that provide over 200 channels of programming. Utilities are provided by Southern California Edison Company, Southern California Gas Company, and Santa Clarita Water. To contact them see the Service Telephone Numbers list.
Basic Rules for Friendly Valley. Do not lend your Gate key card to anyone (a $100.00 fine if you loan out your Gate Card).
The maximum speed limit is 25 mph except on Oak Crossing Road where it is 15 mph.
Register your vehicles with the Security Office and display your Friendly Valley decal on the left side of your windshield.
Walk your dog with a 6 ft. non-retractable leash and pick up and dispose of his droppings.
Don't create excessive noise (example placing a TV against a common wall).
Wear your badge while using the recreational facilities.
Get a parking pass from Security for your guests that will be parked in the community over 2 consecutive nights. Notify Security 1/2 hr. prior to when someone is expected who is not on your authorized guest/entry list. Each association has rules for its gardeners. Most Associations do not want you to bother the gardeners while they are working with scheduled duties. It is best to submit a request form to your Board of Directors concerning problems or additions.
In associations with fenced yards, the back yard gardening is the owner’s responsibility for maintenance.
Current Association meeting minutes and financial statements are available in the Office.
It is advisable that owners purchase Condo Insurance to insure personal property within the condo.
Association Dues are due on the first day of each month and are late if received after the 15th day of each month and a 10% late fee will be charged.
Exterior changes to a Condo must be with the written approval of the Board of Directors prior to any construction. Procedures for exterior changes can be obtained in the Office.