Hours The Security Office hours are Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Call Security at 661 252-2666
Friendly Valley Security Overview
Friendly Valley maintains a security force 365 days a year. The Guardhouse at the Friendly Valley Parkway entrance is manned 24 hours a day. Security personnel patrol our community day and night by car and periodically by foot. Security personnel enforce Friendly Valley Rules and Regulations for traffic, parking, facility usage, pets, safety issues, offensive activities, etc.
The Security Office issues Parking Permits and Guest Badges for visitors (with a $10 refundable deposit. Temporary Parking Permits for new and rental vehicles can also be obtained in the Security Office. The Security Office hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday, and as needed after normal office hours.
Other responsibilities of the Security Department are:
Maintaining a Lost and Found
Verifying that Facilities are left clean and in good condition after use
Conducting “health and welfare” checks
Coordinating first responders (Ambulance, Fire, Police)
Maintaining Incident Reports
Assisting with minor resident issues, for example: snake sightings
Disclaimer: Friendly Valley Security Department and the Recreational Association strive to provide deterrence to crime. However, no matter what steps are taken, our community can never be completely safe and secure. Residents are encouraged to take common sense precautions such as carrying insurance against loss, keeping your doors locked, refusing to open your door to strangers, asking workmen for identification, locking your car, and not leaving valuables in plain view.
Friendly Valley Recreational Association uses a high profile, easily navigated site called dwellingLIVE. dwellingLIVE allows Friendly Valley Residents the ability to manage their personal guest list while ensuring the highest level of security. Residents can add temporary and permanent guests as well as manage a party list at home or on the go by using the new dwellingLIVE Mobile App on an Apple or Android smart phone. To start accessing dwellingLIVE please call the Security Office (661) 252-2666 during normal business hours (Monday to Friday8:30 AM to 5:00 PM).
Lost and Found
The Security Office is the collection point for lost or found items in Friendly Valley.
Security News
ttention Residents If you have guests staying with you, please be sure to stop by the Security Office to get parking passes for their cars.
Your car decal is numbered for Security Reasons. Leave your number on your decal.
Tax Season Be aware of IRS scam calls! The IRS will not call you!
This picture shows the entrance to the Security Office. Note the sign on the ceiling.
REASONS TO CALL SECURITY 1. When a neighbor is missing or you notice newspapers piling up at the front door. 2. If you see people playing golf who appear to be too young or are not with a member. 3. When a car is parked on the street more than 48 hours with no Friendly Valley decal on the windshield. 4. If a salesman or solicitor comes to your door or if advertising fliers are distributed. 5. When you see someone walking in the common area that you don’t think belongs there. 6. When any person who looks “undesirable” appears at your door – lock the door immediately and then call Security. 7. To inform Security of the location of a hidden key if your unit must be entered in case of emergency. 8. If a water pipe breaks and you don’t know whom to call.